Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Santiago - A Summary in Pictures

Hello, all! Just wanted to say that we have returned safely from our pilgrimage, which was a terrific adventure. I did a lot of writing while I was there, so I will post a basic run-down of that within the next couple of days. For now, I figure I'll just show you a few pictures from along the way.

Saint Jean Pied de Port -- the city in France where we began our trip.

Early morning in Sarria, looking at the city as we began walking away (as we began the walking part of our pilgrimage).

Lovely view from the middle of nowhere as we were walking.

Portomarin -- the first city we approached on foot.

A lovely path on our last walking day, on the way to Santiago.

A fence as we got nearer to Santiago.

We followed yellow arrows the whole way, but they got bigger and more interesting as we got closer and closer to Santiago.

During the pilgrim mass in Santiago, they put incense in this enormous thing (which I tried to get a photo of) which requires five men pulling a rope to swing it back and forth all the way up to the ceiling while dramatic music plays.

The cathedral in Santiago, at the end of the pilgrimage!


Kelly said...

joyce and i just looked through your pictures. they were incredible

Christine said...

thanks! tell joyce i said hello!

Kelly said...

will do!